Starting a new blog, thanks to

I've decided to start this new blog as part of my participation in During the school year, I don't really have time to explore the new software that we can use here... and, to be honest, I'm not sure that learning new software is a high priority for me given all the many things that I have to do. But I was really glad to see that I can easily map a Blogger blog to my new domain, so what I have done is to create this new blog — Anatomy of an Online Course — where I will try to document, piece by piece, the different components of my online course design. I'll limit this blog strictly to that purpose, and I will continue to use my Digital Tools blog for other course-related posts, the news round-ups that I hope several of us will be doing and sharing at Twitter, etc. Since this is the only project I foresee having at for now, I've set up that domain to redirect to this subdomain automatically... but if I get inspired (and find the time!) to do something more, I'll be able to easily change the redirect later. (The Dashboard was very helpful in prompting me to choose "temporary" for that reason.)

And now... a real post!

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